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syslog报错cmdisklockd[1352]: Unable to convert device to I/O tree node: I/O tree node does not exist


syslog报错cmdisklockd[1352]: Unable to convert device to I/O tree node: I/O tree node does not exist

最近在驻场巡检看日志时发现报错cmdisklockd[1352]: Unable to convert device to I/O tree node: I/O tree node does not exist检查发现I/O 的连接没问题,最后在网上查发现是个bug 打补丁就可以解决问题。


The resolution is in a patch for A.11.18:

HP-UX 11.23: PHSS_38423
HP-UX 11.31: PHSS_38424



This problem has been identified in report QXCR1000844258
The resolution is in a patch for A.11.18:
HP-UX 11.23: PHSS_38423
HP-UX 11.31: PHSS_38424
Both of these patches have been revised - consult the HP Solution Center
website, Patch Database to identify a current version.
Always read the patch special installation instructions and cmhaltnode the
system before installing the patch.
The problem may also occur on other versions of Serviceguard if the disk does
not exist.
If the lock disk device special file does not appear in output from either of
the following examples, investigate why:
$ ioscan -fnN | grep disk15$ ioscan --m dsf | grep disk15
NOTE: each node may use a different dsf to point to the lock device. Ensure
you are looking for the correct dsf.
Even though the lock disk dsf (device special file) may have existed when the
cluster binary file was created, it may not exist on the system node.
If 'ioscan -fnCdisk' identifies the device special file, then determine
if the LUN has a size using diskinfo.
$ diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk15 | grep size
size: 10485760 Kbytes
If the LUN has no size, rebuild the virtual LUN or replace the physical LUN.