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superdome 维修一例


superdome 维修一例

 环境为:两台superdome+一台XP1024 操作:换上新的FC card, 系统可以启动,但是有新的报错,如下: vgchange: Warning: Couldn't attach to the volume group physical volume "/dev/dsk /c10t0d3": The path of the physical volume refers to a device that does not exist, or is not configured into the kernel. vgchange: Warning: Couldn't attach to the volume group physical volume "/dev/dsk /c10t0d4": The path of the physical volume refers to a device that does not exist, or is not configured into the kernel. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vgchange: Warning: Couldn't attach to the volume group physical volume "/dev/dsk /c10t0d5": The path of the physical volume refers to a device that does not exist, or is not configured into the kernel. 无法找到原先有的硬盘,系统要挨个检查,主机连着XP上的1200多个硬盘,查完要等到猴年马月。 解决: 1,进MP ,CM, RS,重启主机。 2,启动时进入单用户。(hpux -is) 3, #mount vg00, 把/etc/lvmrc 文件中"AUTO_VG_ACTIVATE=1" 改为“AUTO_VG_ACTIVATE=0” 4,#strings /etc/lvmtab,检查有多少个VG。 5,系统里有的VG都要export vg map 文件出来。(#vgexport -v -s -p -m /tmp/vg01.map /dev/vg01) 6,#export /dev/vg01 (所有VG),重启。 7,此时启动不会去检查VG的那些硬盘了,可以进系统。 # mkdir /dev/vg01 # mknod /dev/vg01/group c 64 0x040000 # vgimport -s -v -m /tmp/hp/vg01.map /dev/vg01 # vgchange -a y vg01 8,一切OK,不过不要忘了/etc/lvmrc 文件中的“AUTO_VG_ACTIVATE=0”改回来哦,不然用户下次重启就出问题喽。

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